All posts by william

still working on the arm

I have the plans for the arm pretty much drawn up, just need to get them posted so that people can see them.  getting my thoughts written and posted up on this is proving to be more difficult however.  I think that what will happen is that I will post an a general overview, as well as several more in depth musings.  the research involved has enlightened my about the context of studio pottery and how it evolved in the face of the industrial revolution. the quest to regain employment and dignity after ones line of work gets overtaken by technology ,  and how tools interact with technique to form an aesthetic .

still busy

I have remade the centering arm. The goal was to make the design simpler so that somebody would need less tools time and money to build their own.

I have also address the dipping problem that is present with the arm. I open a small hole with my hands and place the oner in afterwards to bring the bottom to size.  with some practice, this will only add a second or to to the time that it takes to make a piece. I have also thought about the philosophy behind the arm a little and will add those thoughts to the centering arm section. I hope to get some plans of the arm up on the site in a month or two.

been busy

But not here. have tested the drying rack, it is a partial sucess, and I will be looking for ways to improve it. the magnetic tape I used doesn’t seem strong enough to keep the front closed, and I could have done a better job cutting the plastic. Oh well, one learns by doing.

dry rack

I made a drying rack. the idea is to slow down the drying process so that it can occur more evenly, and to save time by not having to wrap each piece.  this will also keep the the wrapping plastic off the piece which causes a warping risk as it is removed. I will post more if the design is successful.


fire and frost

Got my firing out. I was worried that the cold would affect the glazing of my pieces, but my plan to glaze in the cold worked well.  putting the pictures into the gallery and will write up the section of glazing in the cold.

Another sale. another set of pictures

Will be getting some more work out of the kiln tonight. will get the pictures up here soon. trying to get a good pace to build a social media presence. I have been glazing in the cold, which has been a challenge. I have some notes from the process that people might find useful and will be putting those up on the site soon enough.

post pioneer days

I have been planning what to do next after attending the Pioneer Day festival in lochapoka. I have been looking to getting into doing some on line sales, or at least getting an  inventory of my items.  I have some other thing as well, and I will add them as I have the opportunity.

A message from a far away land.

I have managed to to get a bare bones computer and internet connection out at the studio, so I can post from here now if I so desire. I won’t upload anything really data intensive because of data caps will hit me hard on this connection. But I can at least provide some quick updates if they prove necessary. Will post more at home.