Category Archives: general

camera is back in order

Getting some pictures  up for the website. One of my goals is to get pictures of my work as they come out of the kiln for my gallery, and to get pictures of work on its various stages for my info section.

Back from a Sale

Came back from a sale from Columbus last Saturday. It went well, and I am hoping to expand to other nearby locations in Georgia as well. As for the site, I realise that I will need to get my camera fixed a bit before I get my gallery up and running. I have some pictures, but not of my recent work.

A beginning

Every artist needs a website, or so I am told. For the next few weeks this website will obviously be a work in progress.  My immediate goals for the next week or two will be to get an online gallery of my work. I also want to provide some insight to how my work is made and answer commonly asked questions that I get.