Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nuts and bolts.

Been getting the chance to slip into the studio every so often. I have been contemplating the dipping problem of the centering arm  for some time now, and I think that I have a path to a solution. I should have more of a write up in the next few days.

I am probably going to concluding the work on the centering arm in a week or so. i feel that the project has yielded a useful tool that I can use with making my pottery.  I think that is easier to just build a project than to go though the work of documenting it, but I think that my documentation will make it easier to

I have a large body of work that I should be getting fired soon. I have some Ideas for a few new color schemes and I think that will be the next series of topics that I will ponder.

refining the centering arm


The first opening arm was successful enough to warrant more experimentation.  I used it, observed the results, decided on a course of action to improve it, and than built the next iteration. I will include a more detailed writeup in the centering arm section.

experiments with the new centering arm.

I have worked with the new centering arm that I have built. and so far have been pretty pleased with the results. it will certainly come to good use in the near future  , and I have also enjoyed the creative process that it fostered.  I will continue the write up for the piece as I go along.  I also intend to get some firings going and expand my gallery,

Finally, I will also look at my artist statement and try to write it so that it does not feel so awkward.


back from Cotton Pickin’ fair


The show in Gay, Ga went well, and I recived some studio lighting to take some better pictures of my work. I will be doing some more throwing in the studio in the coming week and will replace the pieces that I have sold.

The goal with the studio lighting is to  control the light hitting the piece , and to have more light hitting it in general letting me go into lower ISO on my camera.

Started to mess around with the gallery a bit. I will take me a while to get every thing the way that I want it, but I do feel as though I have made some progress. Refining the gallery is the next major goal I have

sept firing


Just did a firing to replenish some stock, and am currently in the process of getting another set of large pieces done for the Cotton Pickin’ Fair in Gay, Georgia. The fair will run from Oct 1-2. Still looking at gallery options, will be finalizing a choice for that soon. I will also be getting some studio lighting for photography of my pieces. My goal is to have a large body of jury quality photos ready in th e next month or so as I do my firings.

These photos will also help me begin to sell on-line. I have the skeletal working of an Etsy store, but I want to to get the best photos possible that will reflect the quality of my work.
Lastly, I will put a brief piece about putting pots in the sun.

Over the weekend, I plan to go to the farmer’s market in Columbus and get some more photos of my work. After that, it will be headed to Atlanta to pick up some more pottery supplies.